Wednesday, March 12, 2014

20 Things I learned in 24 Hours:

 Sending packages Version

1.  It doesn't matter how long the box has been on your bedroom floor collecting "green" items for a St. Patrick's Day care package if you don't mail it on time!  #willieverlearn?

2. It may not be entirely necessary to send a St. Patrick's Day package. #butitsureisfun

3. You can usually find a member who will let you rush a package to their home so it will arrive in time.  #thankyoumembers

4.  An hour is not enough time to make two stops before the post office...especially when you need to buy the cute Italian companion some wool socks...and you're indecisive about socks. #whichonesarebest?

5.  McDonald's does NOT sell gift cards for Shamrock Shakes unless you have cash! #seriouslybugged

6.  Because you're in the same country you can deposit Shamrock shake $$ into missionary girl's account.

7. The post office line is not the best place to write a letter and seal a box. #wheresmygreenmarker?

8. You should assume the Priority Mail flat rate box is $6 cheaper before you tape your own box together with an entire tape gun refill. #caniswitchboxes  #doyouhavescissors

9. You will sweat giant drops of sweat while the postal workers wait for you to get your $15 worth of stuff into a $15 box at 5:05 pm. #ourpostalworkersrock

10. The gallon of DietCoke you drank for lunch makes it hard to concentrate. #focusmax

11. Missionary girl sometimes gives you a slightly wrong address.  #notagain

12. Same wonderful members are willing to 'stake out' said address to attain the package. #covertaffairs

13. You forgot to go to the library #dontsendmybookback

14. You can wash, dry and iron an 11 year old's white shirt in the hour before his choir concert. #nickoftime

15. Great friends will make sure to transport your other children to church activities and home so you can cry at the sweet choir concert.  #whoknew

16. The library closes 10 minutes too early. #ireallyneedthatbook

17. Taco Bell is a perfectly acceptable dinner option.  #runfortheboarder

18. Some days are longer than others! #isitbedtimeyet

19. Everything looks better in the morning.  #itsanewday

20. Your local post office will charge you $10.95 to email the receiving post office to watch for your package.  If you call, New York postal workers will help you out for free! #theyrocktoo

(If you didn't notice I was gone, I was.... but I'm back! Real blog posts to come shortly!)